Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is a Bike Bus?
A Bike Bus is an organized group of children and families riding bikes to school together along a set route. It can go to one or multiple schools, have one or multiple starting points, and can have a few or a lot of children and families, but all Bike Buses have similar joy, positivity, community feel, and transformative energy. You can get a sense for Bike Bus by watching this video.
Why should I help start a Bike Bus?
You should start a Bike Bus because it helps children and families get to school in a fun, social, and healthy way, brings your community together and connects people, and makes a difference for your community and the planet.
What are the positive benefits of Bike Bus?
Bike Bus has countless positive benefits! Here are a few:
Health and wellbeing — Riding bikes to school improves the health and wellbeing of the children and families who take part in the Bike Bus.[1][2][3][4][5][6]
Education — Riding to school better prepares children to be engaged at school and for their brains to take in and learn information.[1]
Community — Riding to school together in a Bike Bus creates a fun, social, and uplifting way for children and families to connect with each other and their community. Bike Bus participants often feel more connected to their friends, fellow school families, and community as a result of riding in a Bike Bus.
Reduces car traffic — Children and families riding to school in a Bike Bus help reduce the number of people driving cars to/from school, reducing car traffic for other people who need to drive.
Noise and air pollution / Livability — By reducing the number of car trips in our communities, Bike Bus reduces noise and air pollution, making our communities more livable as a result.
Environment / Climate Change — By reducing the number of car trips, Bike Bus reduces climate emissions and helps our communities take action to address climate change.[1]
Roadway safety — By reducing the number of car trips in our communities and increasing the number of trips made on bike, Bike Bus is increasing roadway safety.
How easy is it to start a Bike Bus?
Easy! Starting a Bike Bus is as simple as finding a few other children and families who want to bike to school together, creating a route, picking a time, and getting on your bikes. The most critical thing for you to do is get started — it just takes one person who’s motivated to start a Bike Bus! You can learn more about how to start a Bike Bus here.
Who can start a Bike Bus?
Anyone associated with a school — a parent, guardian, teacher, school administrator, or even a student!
The most important part of starting a Bike Bus is just getting started — you can do it and we can help you. Learn more about how to start a Bike Bus here.
How do you start a Bike Bus?
We have an entire page dedicated to how to start a Bike Bus. Check it out here.
How many children are needed for a Bike Bus?
There is no minimum requirement — one child biking to school with a couple of adults can be a Bike Bus — but we find it’s even more fun, social, and uplifting with at least two families. Once you get started, other children and families will want to join!
How many adults are needed for a Bike Bus?
We find that having at least two adults on a Bike Bus is helpful — with one in the front and one in the back — but we know of Bike Buses with only one adult. Generally speaking, the more adults (and children) you have on your Bike Bus, the better, because it means more fun, community, and impact.
What route should I use for my Bike Bus?
We have related information and suggestions on our ‘How to Start a Bike Bus’ page, but we find that residential streets with a relatively low volume of car traffic are generally great for Bike Buses. Get more information here.
What’s a good length for a Bike Bus route? How far is too far for the Bike Bus to go?
We have related information and suggestions on our ‘How to Start a Bike Bus’ page, but we find that most Bike Bus routes are 0.5–3 miles. There is no “too far” length for a Bike Bus route, as long as the children and families are willing to ride the full length. Get more information here.
Does my Bike Bus need to be limited to a single school?
No, your Bike Bus can connect to, and have children and families from, multiple schools. The more children and families who want to join the Bike Bus, the better!
What if my bike bus route doesn’t include the entire school? Should I still do it?
Yes! It is not your job to solve all of society's ills. Start with a route that works for you and hopefully other people will step up and do routes from other directions to include more students.
How safe is Bike Bus? What safety precautions should I take in setting up and running my Bike Bus?
Generally speaking, Bike buses are very safe. From hundreds of Bike Buses around the world over multiple years, we have only heard of one injury — we have heard of zero crashes involving a car. You are the best expert on safety for your community and Bike Bus route, and you should do whatever will make you and your Bike Bus participants feel safe and comfortable.
Many Bike Buses simply ride together in a group with at least one adult at the front of the group and one at the back, while some Bike Buses have children and families wear safety vests. We have found that Bike Bus is much safer than most people think and that you shouldn’t let safety concerns get in the way of you starting a Bike Bus, but are the best expert on safety for your community and Bike Bus route, and you should do whatever will make you and your Bike Bus participants feel safe and comfortable.
How can I get more involved?
First, sign up for our email newsletter by tapping/clicking here. If you want to get more involved, tap/click the ‘Get more involved’ button at the bottom of our homepage. You can also email us at Hello@BikeBus.World.
How can I ask other questions?
You can email us anytime at Hello@BikeBus.World.